Friday, July 23, 2010

This week has reminded me to never, ever become a shopaholic!!

So this week has been non stop shopping, and not the delightful, wonderful shopping that includes pretty dresses and great tops. This is the kind of shopping that all but the most stout shoppers hate.

I went shopping for my huge camping trip to Yellowstone National Park. This meant trips to the following stores:



Wal-mart (yuck! yuck! and double yuck!!)


Sunflower Market

Trader Joe's

Back to REI

Back to Target

Sunflower again

The worst part is watching the dollars drain from my account directly into the hands of huge corporate companies. The second worst part is having to pack, and pack very economically at that, all the stuff I just bought, as well as pack for my two mildly independent ten year olds.

You see, trusting ten year olds to pack well for a vacation is like trusting an alcoholic to not drink in a bar. They say that they have packed, but when their bags are checked they have taken every available mini teenage mutant ninja turtle and no clothes. Or seven shirts and no pants. So in conclusion, supervision is required at every step of packing.

The good news of the week? I made it to four crossfits and finished the week off with a 5k run, the very first one for me!!

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